Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6 - Yellowstone

A grizzly!  That's right, a grizzly in the wilds of Yellowstone!  Lynne spotted a rock on a distant hill and in closer inspection, we watched a grizzly move along a ridge for an hour or so.  It was almost at the limit of our binoculars, but it was clearly a grizzly in its natural habitat.  Of course, while we watched it, we had to keep an eye on the bison that were coming down a ridge, swimming across the river and then walking across the road.  Pretty neat first day, yesterday.

Today, we ate early and headed to the Canyon area, where we walked for five hours or so and enjoyed the many different views of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River.  What a series of water falls and turbulent water.  We also saw an osprey sitting on her nest with her chicks high atop of rock pillar in the canyon.

We enjoyed some interactions with people as we shared binoculars and passed each other on the various trails.  Yellowstone is packed with tourists, so we left early this morning and walked some trails most people don't use.  Coming back out of the park, a long line of cars means they spotted the elk once again (we know that from yesterday) and it was a traffic jam.

I've started the first and second chapters of my book and will spend the evening working on it and some other things.  Tomorrow, we will worship at a local church here in West Yellowstone, eat some where, then head off to park with our hiking gear and picnic supper, hoping to stay in the park until nightfall.  We are blessed to have notes from Wayne Spiess from his and Susie's time in the park over the years.

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